Richard S. Granat founded SmartLegalForms, Inc. in 1998 to develop innovative delivery of legal services using the Internet. He established the company to respond to the enormous inefficiencies in the legal services sector. He also wanted to address the fact that there was little development of “consumer” or “client-facing” approaches to the delivery of legal services.
In 2000, we launched our revolutionary SmartLegalForms web service. This service enables users to assemble complex legal documents or Adobe .pdf forms using the Rapidocs software. The software also “interviews” users and creates complex documents tailored to their individual circumstances.
Today we have a large portfolio or revenue-producing properties. SmartLegalForms, Inc. publishes over 35 highly specific legal document and legal information web sites. We develop sites either directly or on behalf of clients. These sites serve over 100,000 users a month. They also showcase innovative delivery of legal services.
In 2009, we launched our DirectLaw Web Service to enable solos and small law firms to deliver legal services online. DirectLaw provides a virtual law firm platform for small law firms. The platform empowers these firms to remain competitive with new entrants to the marketplace such as LegalZoom and RocketLawyer.